Bases: RedisMixin
Class to define the base Hasper LLM agent
init the LLM query agent
name: name of the agent
cred: credentials object
platform: name of the LLM platform backend to use
default to OpenAI GPT platform for now, Azure is also supported
will be extended in the future to suuport other models
memory_size: how many tokens of memory to use when chatting with the LLM
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def __init__(self,
init the LLM query agent
name: name of the agent
cred: credentials object
platform: name of the LLM platform backend to use
default to OpenAI GPT platform for now, Azure is also supported
will be extended in the future to suuport other models
memory_size: how many tokens of memory to use when chatting with the LLM
# logging
self.logger = get_logger()
# name
start_time = time.time()
self.agent_name = name
self.agent_type = agent_type
self.agent_id = self._create_id(f"{self.agent_name}_{start_time}")
# How many documents/chunks to respond to?
self.topk = topk
# statekey of the agent
# the statekey is a pointer to the current state of the agent
# this state can be persisted to some store
# when needed, any previous persisted state
# can be recalled and reassigned to the agent
# for now, statekey is static
# in the future, we can store and retrieve possibly multiple states
self.statekey = f"sk:{self.agent_type}#{self.agent_name}"
# creds
self.cred = cred
# LLM params
self.platform = platform
self.model = model
self.EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-ada-002"
# init the llm and embeddings objects
self.llm, self.embeddings = self._get_llm_objs(platform=self.platform,
add document(s) to the agent's index
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def add_to_index(self, data):
add document(s) to the agent's index
start_time = time.time()
if self.index:
if self.index_store == 'chroma':
# force topk count to be at max count of index
self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
raise Exception(f"{self.index_store} does not support adding document")
raise Exception("No available index, cannot add document")
# log that the doc is added
if self.index:
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"n_items": len(data),
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXADD, duration, params=params)
add document(s) to a chromadb index
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def add_to_index_chroma(self, data):
add document(s) to a chromadb index
# first, delete all existing docs from the same sources
# as what we are adding, we don't want duplicates
self._delete_docset_chroma(self.index, data)
# now, add the new docs
self._add_docset_chroma(self.index, data)
# persist the db to disk
# self.vdb_client.persist()
chunk_data(data, _format)
create chunks from the data
and add any needed metadata
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def chunk_data(self, data, _format):
create chunks from the data
and add any needed metadata
def cleanup_metadata(data):
# take in a list of data document objects
# and clean up metadata
curr_source = None
for i in range(0, len(data)):
source = data[i].metadata['source']
content = data[i].page_content
# add bboxes for pdf docs
if _format == "pdf":
pageno = data[i].metadata['page']
page =[source].load_page(pageno)
instances = page.search_for(content)
bboxes = []
for inst in instances:
bboxes.append([inst.x0, inst.y0,
inst.x1, inst.y1])
data[i].metadata['bboxes'] = json.dumps(bboxes)
# add other metadata
data[i].metadata['file'] = source.split('/')[-1]
if curr_source != source:
curr_source = source
chunk = 1
data[i].metadata['chunk'] = chunk
if _format == "str":
data[i].metadata['id'] = self._create_id(f"{source}-{self._create_id(content)}-{chunk}")
data[i].metadata['id'] = self._create_id(f"{source}-{chunk}")
chunk += 1
## add any other custom metadata here
return data
# chunk the data
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=self.chunk_size,
chunks = text_splitter.split_documents(data)
# add metadata
chunks = cleanup_metadata(chunks)
return chunks
clear the memory context of the agent
this is useful when we want to agent to
start off a new QnA session
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def clear_agent_state(self):
clear the memory context of the agent
this is useful when we want to agent to
start off a new QnA session
start_time = time.time()
# clear the memories
# reset the context and KG vars
self.latest_context = []
self.current_kg = []
# make note of the clear action
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {}
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATECLEAR, duration, params=params)
create_add_index(data, store='chroma', persist_directory=None, index_name=None)
create an index from a data source
data: list of langchain Document() objects
store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, faiss, ...)
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def create_add_index(self, data,
create an index from a data source
data: list of langchain Document() objects
store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, faiss, ...)
start_time = time.time()
# note what store we are using and the index name
self.index_store = store
self.index_name = self.agent_name if not index_name else index_name
# create the index
if store == 'faiss':
self.index = FAISS.from_documents(data, self.embeddings)
elif store == 'chroma':
self.index = self.create_add_index_chroma(data,
# force topk count to be at max count of index
self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
self.index = None
self.index_store = None
# log that the index is ready
if self.index:
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"store": store,
"persist_directory": persist_directory,
"index_name": self.index_name,
"n_items": len(data)
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXCREATE, duration, params=params)
create_add_index_chroma(data, persist_directory=None)
Init the chromadb index and populate it with a set of documents
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def create_add_index_chroma(self, data, persist_directory=None):
Init the chromadb index and populate it with a set of documents
# init the ChromaDB client
self.vdb_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(
# make sure we're starting with a fresh db and collection
# index = self.vdb_client.get_or_create_collection(name=self.index_name,
# embedding_function=self.embeddings.embed_documents)
index = self.vdb_client.get_or_create_collection(name=self.index_name,
# populate the collection
self._add_docset_chroma(index, data)
return index
get the state of the agent
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_agent_state(self):
get the state of the agent
# get the memories
memory = self.memory
kg =
# get the context and KG vars
latest_context = self.latest_context
current_kg = self.current_kg
# setup the state object
state = {
"memory": memory,
"kg": kg,
"latest_context": latest_context,
"current_kg": current_kg,
return state
return the index object
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_index(self):
return the index object
return self.index
return some stats about the agent's index
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_index_stats(self):
return some stats about the agent's index
stats = None
if self.index:
stats = {
"name": self.index_name,
"store": self.index_store,
"n_items": self.index.count()
raise Exception("Index does not support stats")
return stats
return metadata collected by the agent
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_metadata(self):
return metadata collected by the agent
return self.metadata
get_similar_docs(query, filters=None, topk=7)
get top-K similar docs from an index given a query
query: query string
index: index object
topk: number of top-K similar docs to matching query to return
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_similar_docs(self, query, filters=None, topk=7):
get top-K similar docs from an index given a query
query: query string
index: index object
topk: number of top-K similar docs to matching query to return
if self.index:
if self.index_store == 'faiss':
docs = self.index.similarity_search(query,
elif self.index_store == 'chroma':
docs = self.search_chromadb(query,
docs = None
return docs
return the statekey which points to the
latest state of the agent
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def get_statekey(self):
return the statekey which points to the
latest state of the agent
return self.statekey
load_csv_data(path, params)
custom loader for CSV data
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def load_csv_data(self, path, params):
custom loader for CSV data
self.logger.debug("Processing CSV data in file")
# init
data = []
# get the list of columns to include while indexing
index_columns = params.get('index_columns', [])
if len(index_columns) == 0:
return None
# process the CSV
record_cnt = 0
with open(path, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
# for each row in the file
for row in reader:
metadata = row.copy()
# iterate over all the fields
for field in index_columns:
md = metadata.copy()
md['_row'] = record_cnt
# increment the record counter
record_cnt += 1
# tag the metadata with the field type
md['_fieldtype'] = field
# create the Document object
page_content = f"{row[field]}"
doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=md)
# collect it
# check for success
if len(data) == 0:
data = None
return data
load_data(content, source=None, metadata={}, params={})
set the datasource loader, loads and cleans the data
content: data content (path, text) depending on type of source
'dir' points to a folder with one or more files to load
'pdf' points to a single PDF file to load
'csv' points to a single CSV file to load
'json' points to JSON data in file or in-memory list to load
'str' contains a text string to load
None will try to infer automatically
params: extra params needed for specific loaders
glob: what glob filter to use if source=='dir'
pdfloader: what type of pdf loader module to use if source=='pdf'
index_columns: what columns to index if source=='csv'
metadata: any custom metadata to pass when source=='str'
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def load_data(self, content, source=None, metadata={}, params={}):
set the datasource loader, loads and cleans the data
content: data content (path, text) depending on type of source
'dir' points to a folder with one or more files to load
'pdf' points to a single PDF file to load
'csv' points to a single CSV file to load
'json' points to JSON data in file or in-memory list to load
'str' contains a text string to load
None will try to infer automatically
params: extra params needed for specific loaders
glob: what glob filter to use if source=='dir'
pdfloader: what type of pdf loader module to use if source=='pdf'
index_columns: what columns to index if source=='csv'
metadata: any custom metadata to pass when source=='str'
start_time = time.time()
success = False
if not source:
source = self._get_path_source(content)
if source == 'dir':
glob = params.get("glob", "**/*.*")
loader = DirectoryLoader(content, glob=glob, recursive=True)
data = loader.load()
elif source == 'pdf':
pdfloader = params.get("pdfloader", "pymupdf")
if pdfloader == "pymupdf":
loader = PyMuPDFLoader(content)
data = loader.load()
elif pdfloader == "pypdf":
loader = PyPDFLoader(content)
data = loader.load_and_split()
elif pdfloader == "pypdfium2":
loader = PyPDFium2Loader(content)
data = loader.load()
elif pdfloader == "pdfminer":
loader = PDFMinerLoader(content)
data = loader.load()
data = None
# make note of this document
# we'll need to access it later for metadata
if data:[content] =
elif source == 'docx':
loader = Docx2txtLoader(content)
data = loader.load()
elif source == 'csv':
data = self.load_csv_data(content, params)
elif source == 'json':
data = self.load_json_data(content, params)
elif source == 'str':
# special handling for string inputs
metadata['source'] = source
data = [Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata)]
data = None
# chunk the data
if data:
if source not in ['csv']:
data = self.chunk_data(data, source)
success = True
# log that the data loader is ready
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"success": success,
"source": source,
"content": content,
"params": params,
"metadata": metadata,
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_DATA, duration, params=params)
return data
load_index(persist_directory, index_name, store='chroma')
load an already persisted index from a directory
persist_directory: location of persisted index
store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, ...)
only supports chroma for now
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def load_index(self, persist_directory, index_name, store='chroma'):
load an already persisted index from a directory
persist_directory: location of persisted index
store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, ...)
only supports chroma for now
start_time = time.time()
# make note of the store type
self.index_store = store
# load the index
if self.index_store == 'chroma':
self.vdb_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(
self.index_name = index_name
self.index = self.vdb_client.get_collection(name=self.index_name,
# force topk count to be at max count of index
self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
self.index = None
# log that the index is ready
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"store": self.index_store,
"persist_directory": persist_directory,
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXLOAD, duration, params=params)
search_chromadb(query, filters=None, k=7, include_metadata=True)
run a search against the chromadb index for a list of queries
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def search_chromadb(self, query, filters=None, k=7, include_metadata=True):
run a search against the chromadb index for a list of queries
# set up the filters for metadata
metadata_filters = None
if filters == None:
# no filters to apply
metadata_filters = None
# start a filter set
valid_filters = False
filter_set = []
# check if we need to filter by page numbers
if "pages" in filters:
valid_filters = True
pages = filters["pages"]
page_offset = filters.get("page_offset", 0)
page_tolerance = filters.get("page_tolerance", 1)
# add page number filter
filter_set.append({"page": {"$gte": pages[0]+page_offset-page_tolerance}})
filter_set.append({"page": {"$lte": pages[-1]+page_offset+page_tolerance}})
metadata_filters = {"$and": filter_set}
if "_fieldtype" in filters:
valid_filters = True
fieldtypes = filters["_fieldtype"]
if len(fieldtypes) > 1:
for f in fieldtypes:
filter_set.append({"_fieldtype": {"$eq": f}})
metadata_filters = {"$or": filter_set}
metadata_filters = {"_fieldtype": {"$eq": fieldtypes[0]}}
## other filters can go here
# # collect all the filters into an AND conjuction
# if valid_filters:
# if len(filter_set) > 1:
# metadata_filters = {"$and": filter_set}
# else:
# metadata_filters = filter_set
# force k to be at most value of self.topk
# self.topk will be max count of index
k = min(k, self.topk)
# perform query
results = self.index.query(query_texts=[query],
# construct result docset
docs = []
for i in range(0, len(results['documents'][0])):
page_content = results['documents'][0][i]
metadata = results['metadatas'][0][i]
distance = results['distances'][0][i]
metadata['distance'] = distance
doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata)
return docs
get a previously stored state
and re-animate the agent with it
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def set_agent_state(self, statekey):
get a previously stored state
and re-animate the agent with it
start_time = time.time()
success = False
# retrieve the state from storage
state_pkl = None
if self.state_store == "redis":
cred = self.cred.get(self.state_store, {})
state_pkl = self.retrieve_state_redis(statekey, cred)
elif self.state_store == "db":
elif self.state_store == "disk":
raise Exception(f"Unknown state store for agent, cannot retrieve state for {statekey}")
state = None
if state_pkl:
# re-animate our agent with the retrieved state
# unpickle the state pickle
state = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(state_pkl.encode(), "base64"))
self.logger.error("Cannot re-animate agent with retrieved state, setting clear state",
'source': self.agent_name,
'data': f"State pickle: {state_pkl}"
# clear the agent state
if state:
# re-hydrate state vars
if state.get('memory'):
self.memory = state['memory']
if state.get('kg'): = state['kg']
if state.get('latest_context'):
self.latest_context = state['latest_context']
if state.get('current_kg'):
self.current_kg = state['current_kg']
success = True
# note the action
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"statekey": statekey,
"success": success,
"store": self.state_store
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATERESTORE, duration, params=params)
store the agent state in some external storage
this is useful when we want to later retrieve
the state and re-animate an agent with the retrieved state
Source code in llmsdk/agents/
| def store_agent_state(self):
store the agent state in some external storage
this is useful when we want to later retrieve
the state and re-animate an agent with the retrieved state
start_time = time.time()
# get the state
state = self.get_agent_state()
# pickle it for transport
state_pkl = codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(state), "base64").decode()
# store it
success = False
statekey = self.statekey
if self.state_store == "redis":
cred = self.cred.get(self.state_store, {})
success = self.store_state_redis(statekey, state_pkl, cred)
elif self.state_store == "db":
elif self.state_store == "disk":
raise Exception(f"Unknown state store for agent, cannot store the agent's state for {statekey}")
# make note of the action
if success:
duration = time.time() - start_time
params = {
"statekey": statekey,
"store": self.state_store
event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATESTORE, duration, params=params)
return success