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A number of Agents (task-specific libraries that wrap around the LLM) are suppored in this SDK. This is the base class. It initializes LLM query agent with agent name, credentials, platform (OpenAI GPT or Azure), and set memory size for optimal performance

BaseLLMAgent(name, cred, agent_type, platform='openai', model='gpt-4o-mini', searchapi='serpapi', statestore='redis', memory_size=1000, topk=7)

Bases: RedisMixin

Class to define the base Hasper LLM agent

init the LLM query agent name: name of the agent cred: credentials object platform: name of the LLM platform backend to use default to OpenAI GPT platform for now, Azure is also supported will be extended in the future to suuport other models memory_size: how many tokens of memory to use when chatting with the LLM

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def __init__(self,
    init the LLM query agent
    name: name of the agent
    cred: credentials object
    platform: name of the LLM platform backend to use
            default to OpenAI GPT platform for now, Azure is also supported
            will be extended in the future to suuport other models
    memory_size: how many tokens of memory to use when chatting with the LLM

    # logging
    self.logger = get_logger()

    # name
    start_time = time.time()
    self.agent_name = name
    self.agent_type = agent_type
    self.agent_id = self._create_id(f"{self.agent_name}_{start_time}")

    # How many documents/chunks to respond to?
    self.topk = topk

    # statekey of the agent
    # the statekey is a pointer to the current state of the agent
    # this state can be persisted to some store
    # when needed, any previous persisted state
    # can be recalled and reassigned to the agent
    # for now, statekey is static
    # in the future, we can store and retrieve possibly multiple states
    self.statekey = f"sk:{self.agent_type}#{self.agent_name}"

    # creds
    self.cred = cred

    # LLM params
    self.platform = platform
    self.model = model
    self.EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-ada-002"

    # init the llm and embeddings objects
    self.llm, self.embeddings = self._get_llm_objs(platform=self.platform,


add document(s) to the agent's index

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def add_to_index(self, data):
    add document(s) to the agent's index
    start_time = time.time()

    if self.index:
        if self.index_store == 'chroma':
            # force topk count to be at max count of index
            self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
            raise Exception(f"{self.index_store} does not support adding document")
        raise Exception("No available index, cannot add document")

    # log that the doc is added
    if self.index:
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        params = {
            "n_items": len(data),
        event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXADD, duration, params=params)



add document(s) to a chromadb index

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def add_to_index_chroma(self, data):
    add document(s) to a chromadb index
    # first, delete all existing docs from the same sources
    # as what we are adding, we don't want duplicates
    self._delete_docset_chroma(self.index, data)

    # now, add the new docs
    self._add_docset_chroma(self.index, data)

    # persist the db to disk
    # self.vdb_client.persist()


chunk_data(data, _format)

create chunks from the data and add any needed metadata

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def chunk_data(self, data, _format):
    create chunks from the data
    and add any needed metadata

    def cleanup_metadata(data):
        # take in a list of data document objects
        # and clean up metadata
        curr_source = None
        for i in range(0, len(data)):

            source = data[i].metadata['source']
            content = data[i].page_content

            # add bboxes for pdf docs
            if _format == "pdf":
                pageno = data[i].metadata['page']
                page =[source].load_page(pageno)
                instances = page.search_for(content)
                bboxes = []
                for inst in instances:
                    bboxes.append([inst.x0, inst.y0,
                                   inst.x1, inst.y1])
                data[i].metadata['bboxes'] = json.dumps(bboxes)

            # add other metadata
            data[i].metadata['file'] = source.split('/')[-1]
            if curr_source != source:
                curr_source = source
                chunk = 1
            data[i].metadata['chunk'] = chunk
            if _format == "str":
                data[i].metadata['id'] = self._create_id(f"{source}-{self._create_id(content)}-{chunk}")
                data[i].metadata['id'] = self._create_id(f"{source}-{chunk}")
            chunk += 1

            ## add any other custom metadata here

        return data

    # chunk the data
    text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=self.chunk_size,
    chunks = text_splitter.split_documents(data)

    # add metadata
    chunks = cleanup_metadata(chunks)

    return chunks


clear the memory context of the agent this is useful when we want to agent to start off a new QnA session

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def clear_agent_state(self):
    clear the memory context of the agent
    this is useful when we want to agent to
    start off a new QnA session
    start_time = time.time()

    # clear the memories

    # reset the context and KG vars
    self.latest_context = []
    self.current_kg = []

    # make note of the clear action
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    params = {}
    event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATECLEAR, duration, params=params)


create_add_index(data, store='chroma', persist_directory=None, index_name=None)

create an index from a data source data: list of langchain Document() objects store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, faiss, ...)

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def create_add_index(self, data,
    create an index from a data source
    data: list of langchain Document() objects
    store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, faiss, ...)

    start_time = time.time()

    # note what store we are using and the index name
    self.index_store = store
    self.index_name = self.agent_name if not index_name else index_name

    # create the index
    if store == 'faiss':
        self.index = FAISS.from_documents(data, self.embeddings)
    elif store == 'chroma':
        self.index = self.create_add_index_chroma(data,
        # force topk count to be at max count of index
        self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
        self.index = None
        self.index_store = None

    # log that the index is ready
    if self.index:
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        params = {
            "store": store,
            "persist_directory": persist_directory,
            "index_name": self.index_name,
            "n_items": len(data)
        event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXCREATE, duration, params=params)


create_add_index_chroma(data, persist_directory=None)

Init the chromadb index and populate it with a set of documents

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def create_add_index_chroma(self, data, persist_directory=None):
    Init the chromadb index and populate it with a set of documents
    # init the ChromaDB client
    self.vdb_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(

    # make sure we're starting with a fresh db and collection
    # index = self.vdb_client.get_or_create_collection(name=self.index_name,
    #                                                  embedding_function=self.embeddings.embed_documents)
    index = self.vdb_client.get_or_create_collection(name=self.index_name,

    # populate the collection
    self._add_docset_chroma(index, data)

    return index


get the state of the agent

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_agent_state(self):
    get the state of the agent
    # get the memories
    memory = self.memory
    kg =

    # get the context and KG vars
    latest_context = self.latest_context
    current_kg = self.current_kg

    # setup the state object
    state = {
        "memory": memory,
        "kg": kg,
        "latest_context": latest_context,
        "current_kg": current_kg,

    return state


return the index object

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_index(self):
    return the index object
    return self.index


return some stats about the agent's index

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_index_stats(self):
    return some stats about the agent's index
    stats = None
    if self.index:
            stats = {
                "name": self.index_name,
                "store": self.index_store,
                "n_items": self.index.count()
            raise Exception("Index does not support stats")
    return stats


return metadata collected by the agent

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_metadata(self):
    return metadata collected by the agent
    return self.metadata

get_similar_docs(query, filters=None, topk=7)

get top-K similar docs from an index given a query query: query string index: index object topk: number of top-K similar docs to matching query to return

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_similar_docs(self, query, filters=None, topk=7):
    get top-K similar docs from an index given a query
    query: query string
    index: index object
    topk: number of top-K similar docs to matching query to return

    if self.index:
        if self.index_store == 'faiss':
            docs = self.index.similarity_search(query,
        elif self.index_store == 'chroma':
            docs = self.search_chromadb(query,
            docs = None

    return docs


return the statekey which points to the latest state of the agent

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def get_statekey(self):
    return the statekey which points to the
    latest state of the agent
    return self.statekey

load_csv_data(path, params)

custom loader for CSV data

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def load_csv_data(self, path, params):
    custom loader for CSV data

    self.logger.debug("Processing CSV data in file")

    # init
    data = []

    # get the list of columns to include while indexing
    index_columns = params.get('index_columns', [])
    if len(index_columns) == 0:
        return None

    # process the CSV
    record_cnt = 0
    with open(path, newline='') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)

        # for each row in the file
        for row in reader:
            metadata = row.copy()

            # iterate over all the fields
            for field in index_columns:
                md = metadata.copy()
                md['_row'] = record_cnt
                # increment the record counter
                record_cnt += 1

                # tag the metadata with the field type
                md['_fieldtype'] = field

                # create the Document object
                page_content = f"{row[field]}"
                doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=md)

                # collect it

    # check for success
    if len(data) == 0:
        data = None

    return data

load_data(content, source=None, metadata={}, params={})

set the datasource loader, loads and cleans the data content: data content (path, text) depending on type of source source: 'dir' points to a folder with one or more files to load 'pdf' points to a single PDF file to load 'csv' points to a single CSV file to load 'json' points to JSON data in file or in-memory list to load 'str' contains a text string to load None will try to infer automatically params: extra params needed for specific loaders glob: what glob filter to use if source=='dir' pdfloader: what type of pdf loader module to use if source=='pdf' index_columns: what columns to index if source=='csv' metadata: any custom metadata to pass when source=='str'

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def load_data(self, content, source=None, metadata={}, params={}):
    set the datasource loader, loads and cleans the data
    content: data content (path, text) depending on type of source
        'dir' points to a folder with one or more files to load
        'pdf' points to a single PDF file to load
        'csv' points to a single CSV file to load
        'json' points to JSON data in file or in-memory list to load
        'str' contains a text string to load
        None will try to infer automatically
    params: extra params needed for specific loaders
                glob: what glob filter to use if source=='dir'
                pdfloader: what type of pdf loader module to use if source=='pdf'
                index_columns: what columns to index if source=='csv'
    metadata: any custom metadata to pass when source=='str'

    start_time = time.time()
    success = False

    if not source:
        source = self._get_path_source(content)

    if source == 'dir':
        glob = params.get("glob", "**/*.*")
        loader = DirectoryLoader(content, glob=glob, recursive=True)
        data = loader.load()

    elif source == 'pdf':
        pdfloader = params.get("pdfloader", "pymupdf")
        if pdfloader == "pymupdf":
            loader = PyMuPDFLoader(content)
            data = loader.load()
        elif pdfloader == "pypdf":
            loader = PyPDFLoader(content)
            data = loader.load_and_split()
        elif pdfloader == "pypdfium2":
            loader = PyPDFium2Loader(content)
            data = loader.load()
        elif pdfloader == "pdfminer":
            loader = PDFMinerLoader(content)
            data = loader.load()
            data = None

        # make note of this document
        # we'll need to access it later for metadata
        if data:
  [content] =

    elif source == 'docx':
        loader = Docx2txtLoader(content)
        data = loader.load()

    elif source == 'csv':
        data = self.load_csv_data(content, params)
    elif source == 'json':
        data = self.load_json_data(content, params)

    elif source == 'str':
        # special handling for string inputs
        metadata['source'] = source
        data = [Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata)]

        data = None

    # chunk the data
    if data:
        if source not in ['csv']:
            data = self.chunk_data(data, source)
        success = True

    # log that the data loader is ready
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    params = {
        "success": success,
        "source": source,
        "content": content,
        "params": params,
        "metadata": metadata,
    event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_DATA, duration, params=params)

    return data

load_index(persist_directory, index_name, store='chroma')

load an already persisted index from a directory persist_directory: location of persisted index store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, ...) only supports chroma for now

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def load_index(self, persist_directory, index_name, store='chroma'):
    load an already persisted index from a directory
    persist_directory: location of persisted index
    store: type of vectorstore to use (chroma, ...)
            only supports chroma for now
    start_time = time.time()

    # make note of the store type
    self.index_store = store

    # load the index
    if self.index_store == 'chroma':
        self.vdb_client = chromadb.PersistentClient(
        self.index_name = index_name
        self.index = self.vdb_client.get_collection(name=self.index_name,
        # force topk count to be at max count of index
        self.topk = min(self.topk, self.index.count())
        self.index = None

    # log that the index is ready
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    params = {
        "store": self.index_store,
        "persist_directory": persist_directory,
    event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_INDEXLOAD, duration, params=params)


search_chromadb(query, filters=None, k=7, include_metadata=True)

run a search against the chromadb index for a list of queries

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def search_chromadb(self, query, filters=None, k=7, include_metadata=True):
    run a search against the chromadb index for a list of queries

    # set up the filters for metadata
    metadata_filters = None

    if filters == None:
        # no filters to apply
        metadata_filters = None
        # start a filter set
        valid_filters = False
        filter_set = []

        # check if we need to filter by page numbers
        if "pages" in filters:
            valid_filters = True
            pages = filters["pages"]
            page_offset = filters.get("page_offset", 0)
            page_tolerance = filters.get("page_tolerance", 1)
            # add page number filter
            filter_set.append({"page": {"$gte": pages[0]+page_offset-page_tolerance}})
            filter_set.append({"page": {"$lte": pages[-1]+page_offset+page_tolerance}})
            metadata_filters = {"$and": filter_set}

        if "_fieldtype" in filters:
            valid_filters = True
            fieldtypes = filters["_fieldtype"]
            if len(fieldtypes) > 1:
                for f in fieldtypes:
                    filter_set.append({"_fieldtype": {"$eq": f}})
                metadata_filters = {"$or": filter_set}
                metadata_filters = {"_fieldtype": {"$eq": fieldtypes[0]}}

        ## other filters can go here

        ## REVISIT THIS
        # # collect all the filters into an AND conjuction
        # if valid_filters:
        #     if len(filter_set) > 1:
        #         metadata_filters = {"$and": filter_set}
        #     else:
        #         metadata_filters = filter_set

    # force k to be at most value of self.topk
    # self.topk will be max count of index
    k = min(k, self.topk)

    # perform query
    results = self.index.query(query_texts=[query],

    # construct result docset
    docs = []
    for i in range(0, len(results['documents'][0])):
        page_content = results['documents'][0][i]
        metadata = results['metadatas'][0][i]
        distance = results['distances'][0][i]
        metadata['distance'] = distance
        doc = Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata)

    return docs


get a previously stored state and re-animate the agent with it

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def set_agent_state(self, statekey):
    get a previously stored state
    and re-animate the agent with it
    start_time = time.time()
    success = False

    # retrieve the state from storage
    state_pkl = None
    if self.state_store == "redis":
        cred = self.cred.get(self.state_store, {})
        state_pkl = self.retrieve_state_redis(statekey, cred)
    elif self.state_store == "db":
    elif self.state_store == "disk":
        raise Exception(f"Unknown state store for agent, cannot retrieve state for {statekey}")

    state = None
    if state_pkl:
        # re-animate our agent with the retrieved state
        # unpickle the state pickle
            state = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(state_pkl.encode(), "base64"))
            self.logger.error("Cannot re-animate agent with retrieved state, setting clear state",
                                     'source': self.agent_name,
                                     'data': f"State pickle: {state_pkl}"
            # clear the agent state

    if state:
        # re-hydrate state vars
        if state.get('memory'):
            self.memory = state['memory']
        if state.get('kg'):
   = state['kg']
        if state.get('latest_context'):
            self.latest_context = state['latest_context']
        if state.get('current_kg'):
            self.current_kg = state['current_kg']
        success = True

    # note the action
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    params = {
        "statekey": statekey,
        "success": success,
        "store": self.state_store
    event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATERESTORE, duration, params=params)



store the agent state in some external storage this is useful when we want to later retrieve the state and re-animate an agent with the retrieved state

Source code in llmsdk/agents/
def store_agent_state(self):
    store the agent state in some external storage
    this is useful when we want to later retrieve
    the state and re-animate an agent with the retrieved state
    start_time = time.time()

    # get the state
    state = self.get_agent_state()

    # pickle it for transport
    state_pkl = codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(state), "base64").decode()

    # store it
    success = False
    statekey = self.statekey
    if self.state_store == "redis":
        cred = self.cred.get(self.state_store, {})
        success = self.store_state_redis(statekey, state_pkl, cred)
    elif self.state_store == "db":
    elif self.state_store == "disk":
        raise Exception(f"Unknown state store for agent, cannot store the agent's state for {statekey}")

    # make note of the action
    if success:
        duration = time.time() - start_time
        params = {
            "statekey": statekey,
            "store": self.state_store
        event = self._log_event(agent_events._EVNT_STATESTORE, duration, params=params)

    return success